PHONE: +1 800 552-5100

Our trusted local representatives support you from early design through project completion, offering expert advice every step of the way. From project specifications and sample requests to drawings, documentation, and closeout materials—we’re dedicated to delivering the best commercial shading solutions for all your projects.

Apex Lighting + Building Solutions, LLC

(877) 886-2843

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire 

Synergy Electrical Sales

(215) 448-5691
Email: [email protected]

New York City, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania 

LaFace & McGovern

(412) 854-3200
Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia 

Lighting Environments

(410) 712-0239  
Email: [email protected]

Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C.

PG Enlighten 

(773) 682-8478

Hossley Lighting

(214) 413-7000
Email: [email protected]
Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama